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From Life Lessons: From Sport and Beyond with Simon Mundie
Why self-sacrificing and people-pleasing can be selfish, while looking after yourself can be selfless.
Ed Jackson suffered a devastating accident after diving into a shallow swimming pool and breaking his neck in 2017. He made a miraculous recovery despite being told he would never walk again. Ed first appeared on the show two years ago but this episode is very different. In this conversation we go deep exploring what Ed and his wife Lois have learned since his accident in 2017.
They learnt to embrace hard and honest conversations in the transitional period after Ed’s accident – and have lessons to share on that that can benefit anyone.
We also discuss the importance of letting life happen and not being overly fixated on specific outcomes, and much more besides.
If you could share this episode with anyone who might benefit from hearing it – we would both be incredibly grateful.
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And for the ‘Mundie on Monday’ newsletter – featuring three of the best Life Lessons from three years and more than 160 of these conversations – head to simonmundie.com
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