How often do we really, truly pay attention to ourselves and the world around us? In today’s society, the natural state of an adult can be one that is busy and stressed.
Our minds can be full of all the things we have to do in the future and all the concerns we are holding on to of the past. This overwhelming abundance of chores and worries takes up more and more of our brainpower and attention, meaning we forget to just exist and enjoy the present moment.
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the art of paying attention. Focusing the mind on something specific and allowing external thoughts to pass. It is an effective tool that you can use in all areas of your life to thrive and live to your fullest potential.
What can mindfulness do for you?
Mindfulness can help us in many aspects of our day-to-day lives, by:
- Improving memory
- Improving brain function
- Improving decision-making abilities
- Improving the ability to focus on one task at a time
- Reducing levels of anxiety
- Reducing levels of pain
- Reducing the risk of self-destructive behaviour
Benefits of practising mindfulness can also include the enhancement of:
- Creativity
- Emotional resilience
- Clarity of thought
It can help to reduce:
- Stress
- Powerlessness
- Fatigue
- Somatic Illness
If we can encourage our minds to ‘be in the moment’, which is a term we give to the state of mind when there is a neutral and accepting awareness to the present moment, we have the opportunity to feel more alive and in control. You can sense the tug of the past and the future, but you have chosen to focus on the opportunity and potential of the present moment.
Our top tips to be more mindful:
1. Meditate
2. Focus on one thing at a time
3. Slow down
4. Eat mindfully
6. Exercise
7. Spend time in nature
8. Practise gratitude
Reference: Kabat-Zinn, J. (2012). Mindfulness for beginners: Reclaiming the present moment—and your life. Sounds True.