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Activating Glutes with Mirna

Join Mirna on this glute-focused workout video. You can use a kettlebell or any other weight you have, or just use bodyweight if you need to. Each exercise is 30 seconds with a 30 seconds break in between. Have a timer ready. Start your warm-up before clicking play, and get ready to move your body and feel great doing it.

If you choose to exercise to this video, you do so at your own risk and acknowledge that the exercises carry an inherent risk of physical injury – particularly if you have a history of health problems or any previous injuries.  To the extent permitted by law, Mentor360, Fitter Stock and its affiliates disclaim any and all liability in connection with the exercises in this video and any instructions and advice provided.

Please consult your doctor or physician prior to beginning this workout for advice on any underlying health issues.

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